Saturday, November 29, 2008

LittleBigPlanet Street Fighter special

It's Street Fighter fever! We're all waiting for Street Fighter 4 to be released and Street Fighter II HD is coming to the PS-store. But I can't wait for these new LBP costumes!

We got Chunli, Ryu, Guile and Zangief in the mix (very popular characters, been using them since the Gameboy!). Though your Sackboy may not Hadouken or Flying Bird Kick, it's still fun to go at it in your levels dressed up as your favourite Street Fighter. It will definitely raise the hype for the popular fighting game and it's a beauty to add to your collection (next to your LocoRoco!).

Pic taken from

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hideo Kojima receives MTV Lifetime Achievement

An Award well deserved. Hideo Kojima, creator of Metal Gear Solid, the biggest game franchise since Mario (who?) received the Lifetime Achievment award at the MTV Game Awards Show. I remember years ago when we had our hands on the first Playstation when everyone started talking about how the first Metal Gear Solid was awesome. We didn't get it immediately and it took us months for the curiosity to kill us. Since then, Metal Gear Solid has been one of those games that I keep close to my heart.

This clip is amazing! You have the Jade Raymond presenting the award (I mean seriously, how many game producers are actually attractive?), a montage of the four Metal Gear Solid games and a touching confession by Hideo Kojima in the end.

Monday, November 24, 2008

BruPlay makes history (Do the Running Man!)

We haven't had our hands on Playstation@Home yet, but already people are already having fun with it. It's going to feel weird with Max and I sharing on avatar.. maybe it's time to get that USB keyboard (with the roll up plastic thingy). Anyway, a new trend is made, and the first comes from Brunei.

"I don't see Arnold anywhere.. Oh, that kind of RUNNING MAN!"

Wanted: Weapons of Fate

Remember that awesome film with awesome gun action with awesome Angelina Jolie? I get really nervous when it comes to videogames that tie in the film. But how long has it been since the film was released?

Just in case anyone didn't know, Wanted is a comic book adaption which was praised as "The Watchmen for Super Villains". Of course, anyone who read the book may have been disappointed with the exclusion of Super Villains and its replacement with Assassins. Comic Book fans rejoice, though the film doesn't stay true, the game features the Wesley Gibson's costume from the comic book. That's right, the tights and goggles.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Prince of Persia: Altair costume

Remember Assassin's creed? That futuristic game set on the ancient deserts of the middle east? Everyone loves it, and we love it too. Therefore, when we heard the news of Altair's cameo in Prince of Persia (more like the Prince in Assassin's garb.

Leap of Faith?

So how do you get this? Easy. Go online and get yourself a Ubisoft account then link it to your PSN. We know Prince of Persia is Uber cool, and so is Assassin's creed. Here's one reason you can add when you buy the game.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bike Hero

Guitar Hero fever? Do you know that playing hours of Guitar Hero can cause some dizziness and hallucinations (especially if your driving)? These boys cleverly made what it looks like to be playing Guitar Hero WT on your bike. They use confetti and even a ramp jump. Catch the Lars Umlaut cameo in the video!

The song is Prisoner of Society by The Living End. One of the most awesome alternative songs I have listened to.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

LittleBigPlanet going LocoRoco

This is by far the weirdest LBP update I've seen. Who would have thought that the LocoRoco craze had reach to this game? This just proves that singing bright coloured Blobs can even impress Media Molecule to create these lovely critters in here.

Might as well turn them in to Teletubies. Oh the Horror!

Here's a warning to all of you. You CAN'T tilt the screen if you CAN'T jump for a platform you CAN'T reach (even if it's too frustrating). There, that's the three CAN'Ts for having LocoRoco in LBP. And if one of you ever make a LocoRoco themed level, there shall be murder.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Metal Gear Onlline MEME expansion

Ready for some more MGS action? Three new maps and a new roster of characters will enter the battlefield for the first time! Play as Liquid Ocelot himself and control the battle field through SOP. And Play as Mei Ling with your old soliton radar at hand again.

Mei Ling, ten years I've waited T_T

New maps include Silo Sunset, Forest Firefight and Winter Warehouse. Battle your enemies online and remember! Do you really need to hide under a cardboard box?

pic taken from

Monday, November 17, 2008

Guitar Hero World Tour on sale!

Do I hear some Guitar Heroes out there? You can find the game now ready in display in ETA. You might even catch a glimpse of the new drumset everyone's talking about.

More Guitar Hero stuff? You might want to check out ETA a bit deeper and you can find a special Gig Bag (with skulls, cool) for BND82 (O_O) and a microphone stand equipped for GH and RB mikes at BND75 ^^. Let's rock some more people!

Now I can go all Ozzy on this ^^ I wonder if I can get a customised one like KoRn or maybe one like Axl Rose?

mike pic taken from

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Prince of Persia Film "First Look"

Like Gyllenhaal as the Prince? First time I heard Jake Gyllenhaal will be playing the lead, my reaction was, "Donnie Darko? That weirdo?". Others may have a different reaction, "OMG, the guy who kissed Heath Ledger?".

These things aside, will this film rock the casbah? Those who watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, rejoice! Mike Newell will be at the director's chair and Jerry Bruckheimer will be producing it (yes, the same producer for Pirates of the Carribean).

Here's the clip from Entertainment Tonight.

What scares me the most if not the fact that the Prince will be played by the same guy who played the homosexual Cowboy (Brokeback Mountain, my eyes!), it's the fact that it's from Walt Disney Pictures O_O

PS3 Keypad

Tired of typing messages in the PS3? Here's one attachment you will like. This will solve some issues, I mean I'm playing LBP and I'm communicating online like I'm making an SMS. This is a big NO-NO!

But I don't know. You can always use a USB Keyboard (Not that I've tried it. You know that roll up Keyboard made of plastic? Want one! Besides, I rather have the keyboard to stickto the PC for my blogging purposes). Maybe it's reserved for those lazy butts who can't get off the armchair.

One hand on the controller, another hand on the keyboard, and a mutated third hand to dig through the Ruffles.

pic taken from

Street Fighter IV release date set!

The game will be released in the US at Feb 17 next year. Can't wait for some Street Fighter action? We know you miss playing as Ryu or Ken, and definitely ChunLi. First time I played Street Fighter 2 was on the Gameboy (for you kids, it's the DS without the double screen and catridges 3x the size). It's great to revisit your classic favourite characters.

Pic taken from

Friday, November 14, 2008

Persona 2 in

Here's a reason to go back to your first Playstation. For those who haven't had a copy and are seriously trying to find this game, you can order it exclusively in If you still have it in your shelf (somewhere gathering dust), have a go and play it again while you wait for Persona 4. Or you can get back to your PS2 and play Persona 3 again. That's right, repeatedly shoot yourself.

I always wanted this game then T_T

You might not find the same Shoot-in-the-head gameplay, but this game is a classic and was a popular RPG then. Why? Because it has the same gripping storyline that twisted and turned with Lovecraft themes. Want something better? Well, if you get the original, you get to play it in your PS3 ^^

Here's a video to bring back that nostalgia.

pic taken from

Kingdom Under Fire II coming to the PS3?

Kingdom under Fire is just one of the games that made me regret not getting an Xbox. Even Dynasty Warriors couldn't relief me of playing such awesome warfare. Warfare and Heavy Metal that is!

Could it be that the franchise is now going multiplatform? If it is, then finally! Experience the massive warfare with you as their commander to lead their armies in PS3 graphics.

Here is the debut trailer for Kingdom Under Fire II. Edited from actual gameplay.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mirror's Edge Demo Impressions

I really meant it when I said, "Have a lil Faith". We got a taste of some free runnning after downloading the demo (it's 840MB, btw) and it does have its little ups and downs. (Check out my article on this demo on )

We love it! Great visuals make up for the frustration and the fluidity of gameplay makes it a superb experience. L1 to jump, and L2 to Slide, who would have thought of that before this? The best fun is when you run without braking. It's absolutely cool but occasional stops to solve puzzles might slow the pace down, but with some combination moves you can get the work done!

It's moments like these that make you go "WARGHHH!!!"

Valkyria Chronicle Anime

We haven't seen the game yet, and already they are planning to animate it. Aniplex's A1 pictures will be producing it, but will it follow the same CANVAS style that the game is known for? Anime fans will be attracted to the variety of colourful characters and its war themed storyline, modelled from World War II. How else are we attracted to it as well?

Selveria Bles: Hot and Cool?

'On the 15th day of the third month of the year 1935, the Empire began its assault in earnest. A formal declaration of war was made upon Gallia.
Though it was only a small front in a massive continental assault, what followed would prove that a tiny nation could best a military giant.
These events would tell a story of tragedy hidden in the mists of time.
A story of courage and of trust, of persecution and hate...
And of love blooming, even through the flames of war.
What follows is a record of this conflict, and of those who fought, lived and died.'

~Irene Koller, "On the Gallian Front"

Excerpt taken from Valkyria Chronicles prologue.

New Sackboy costumes

New downloadable costumes will be available in the PSN soon. They won't be free though with the exception of the SCEE costume winner, the Sack-eating plant costume (that's to the upper left btw). You may have remembered the reptile and gorilla costume in my last post. But hey ho! Another familliar cameo! We've got Motorstorm in LBP, now you can ride that hardworked ATV with pride!

Penguins and Sharks. Here's something to storm your imagination for you boys and girls! ^^

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Naruto: Ulimate Ninja Storm

Chances are you played at least one Naruto game in the PS2, and you might either be a diehard Naruto fan or you just had enough of the cocky ninja kid. I lost count of the episodes I watched and I am not ready to go through all that again!

We've seen all the action, the storyline and all that bad voice acting (ugh, believe it!) from the other games but there is one thing that stands out though: its graphics. No doubt the new gen consoles have brought videogame design to great heights and Naruto is no exception. If you saw some of the game's trailers, you would watch in awe and think 'If this is the future of CG anime, I'd watch this than go through the whole Naruto series again'.

Apparently, since the PS3's release, Naruto finally refined itself and proves that ninja kid action can still rock you socks off. The graphics could be another pinnacle in Japanese animation, especially in gaming.

pic taken from

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tom Clancy's EndWar

Here's a possible game choice you might want to consider. We've been looking at EndWar quite sometime. Max praises the numbers and the very innovative Voice Command system. Seriously, this might be the pinnacle of future games. Control your armies with your Bluetooth Headset in the Speed of Thought.

Xbox360 version is now in ETA if you are interested, complete with its headset. PS3 owners might want to wait for a little while.

The unthinkable happens in 2016. A nuclear exchange in the Middle East kills 20 million people and cripples the world's oil supply. Crude oil prices spike at $800 a barrel. One year later, the threat of world-wide nuclear war is eliminated when the United States and Europe deploy a comprehensive space-based anti-ballistic missile shield. Russia soon follows with an advanced missile defense system of its own. Intercontinental ballistic missiles are rendered obsolete.
Russia becomes the world's primary supplier of energy and experiences a massive economic boom. With its newfound riches, Russia quickly re-establishes itself as a major superpower and restores her military might.
Western Europe, with the notable exception of the UK and Ireland, unifies to create the European Federation. This new nation is destined to be a formidable 21st-century Superpower.

In 2020, the United States is on the verge of finishing construction on the Freedom Star, a controversial orbital military platform that will upset the balance of world power. The European Federation withdraws from NATO in protest. Tensions between the European Federation, the United States, and Russia are building and will soon reach the breaking point. The EndWar is about to begin.

Fighting works like Rock, Paper, Scissors except its the Europe, US and Russia. Lead the faction where your allegiences lie to victory, control capital city and take control of the destructive satellites that started this whole mess in the first place.

You might want to remember this to extend the fun.
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel , India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa , Quebec , Romeo , Sierra , Tango , Uniform , Victor , Whiskey , X-ray, Yankee, Zulu .

Boxart and desciption taken from
Screenshot taken from

Mirror's Edge releases today

Get ready to fall in love again. In a few weeks, this game will be in local shelves for all parkour enthusiast and hardcore gamers alike.

You might want to get it along with the soundtrack if you don't want to miss on 'Still Alive' and it's many remixes.

pic taken from

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sackboy Dreams

To explain my 3 day inactivity, I am devilishly occupied with Little Big Planet. The levels are extremely clever and the gameplay is really simple. To those who are really nervous about this game, no it's not a kiddy game. We are not looking at little dolls played by 2 year olds, we are looking at a PERSONALISED ragdoll of your own GOD GIVEN ability to CREATE!

The real focus is IMAGINATION. Everything you see in the levels, you can recreate yourself. You can make it look like Mario but you can also imitate other levels and create as you see fit. The only problem you might find is the controlling but you will get used to them as you go. You can even move your limbs (trigger buttons for arm movement and the Sixaxis to control his head *shakes controller, Sackboy headbangs*)

Want to extend the fun? Bring a friend along! Just click on the PS button on any controller and you are on the way to play. While your at it, you can give each other some SMACKING (hold trigger button, tilt stick left to right or alternatively when you are close. SACKBOY BRUTALITY!

While I wait to find the way to upload the pictures into the PS3 hardrive, here is a visual representation of what my Sackboy looks like right now.

Beauty, my friends, is in the eye of the beholder. I wonder if I can make a Paradise lost themed level..

Thank you MrSyaf for helping us try out the online feature (and ofcourse the trophies!)^^

Box art taken from

Friday, November 7, 2008

More Trailers!

Here's me being lazy again. Watch and enjoy ^^

Call Of Duty: World at War Launch Trailer

Street Fighter IV Seth Trailer

Tom Clancy's End War Infantry Trailer

And a personal favourite..

Mirror's Edge Demo Trailer

Fallout 3 Lunchbox

Heard about that Lunchbox from Vault-Tec? You can find it trapped in its plastic prison waiting for you to rip it free... for BND172 *gulp* in ETA games, where your prophecy is foretold and your destiny lies within the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout. Just get the game and free yourself from all the guilt and regret!

Fallout 3: Survival Edition

Here are the specifics for the collector's edition. That big clock up there? It's not included (sorry ^^)

+Fallout 3: From the creators of the award-winning Oblivion comes one of the most realized game worlds ever created. Create any kind of character you want and explore the open wastes of post-apocalyptic Washington, D.C. Every minute is a fight for survival as you encounter Super Mutants, Ghouls, Raiders, and other dangers of the Wasteland. Prepare for the future.
+Vault Boy Bobblehead: Enjoy your very own Vault Boy with this collector’s item direct from Vault-Tec.
+The Art of Fallout 3: This hardcover book features nearly 100 pages of never-before seen concept art and commentary from Bethesda Game Studios artists.
+The Making of Fallout 3: Get an exclusive, inside look at Bethesda Game Studios and the team behind the game with this special DVD.
+Vault-Tec Lunch Box: The entire package comes in a fully customized metal lunchbox.

Specifics taken from

Mirror's Edge game length revealed and Launch Trailer

12 hours, that's how long the game will be. It sounds reasonable (I remembered my experience with Heavenly Sword. After I heard the 7 hour length in the game, I had to be *reeeaaaallly* cautious so I can enjoy the game full time.

Anyway here's the FINAL Mirror's Edge trailer. Watch and see what critics have to say for the game. Told you to have a little Faith ^^.

Another new remix of "Still Alive". I like the Demo trailer's remix better. Click HERE if you want to listen to the acoustic version.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

PS3 System Software update 2.52

Update our PS3 through storage media. If you use your USB device, don't forget to create a new folder titled "PS3" (in capital letters) and another new folder in it titled "UPDATE". Then save your program from the playstation website in PS3/UPDATE folder. Here's a lesson for all you PS3 newbies^^

Here are the new changes:
^The playback quality of some PlayStation 3 format software has been improved.
^A text entry issue that occurs when using the on-screen keyboard, USB keyboard or Bluetooth keyboard with some PlayStation 3 format software has been addressed.
^An issue that prevents proper display of video content recorded at 59.94 Hz on some TV models has been addressed

Specifics taken from
pic taken from

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Valkyria Chronicles released

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Way of the Samurai 3

We enjoyed the second game, that's why we think this game deserves the credit. Spike releases its new TV commercial for Way of The Samurai 3 for the PS3. Atleast this title is a relief after Samurai Western (I seriously thought this was the 3rd installment!),

But just who the heck is that dude in the white Tux? I knew Japanese TV trailers are abit screwed up O_o

Mirror's Edge "Runners" Story Trailer

A new addition to the animated story trailers from Mirror's Edge. In this new video, it is about the Runners, Faith's occupation. No one catches a Runner. You've got to prove that once you get your hands on this free running beauty (I mean the game, not the character!).

BTW, have you seen this trailer? It's cooler and more badass than any other trailer I've seen.

The Leap of Faith TV Ad

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Downloadable 'Challenge Rooms' for Bioshock

New add-ons for Bioshock. Those who grow tired of replaying Bioshock (maybe a million times?) can get These Challenge Rooms for US$9.99 (around SGD14.79) soon to be released in November 20th in the US.

Who's your Daddy?

Three Challenge Rooms, 2 of them involve going head to head with Big Daddies.

+A Shocking Turn of Events: A Little Sister is trapped atop a Ferris wheel. Players must create electricity to power the Ferris wheel and bring the Little Sister to safety.
+The I in Team: Using limited resources, and an even more limited arsenal, players must negotiate traps and find a way to defeat a Big Daddy.
+Worlds of Hurt: Players must battle through eight rooms of Big Daddies, Splicers and the worst that Rapture has to offer. Accumulate Adam, build an arsenal of Plasmids, Tonics and Weaponry, and fight through to rescue the Little Sister.

specifics taken from
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Jimi Hendrix in Guitar Hero World Tour

The Guitar God is in Guitar Hero. Finally! I've been finding some evidence that Jimi Hendrix is in the game. There wasn't even a mention of Jimi in any behind the scene videos (If I did, I would have put him in the list. Big surprise?

"When I stand up next to a mountain, I'll chop it down with the edge of my hand"

With Purple Haze and The Wind Cries Mary in the list of Guitar Hero tracks, 3 more will be included as Downloadable Content for the meantime: If 6 was 9, Fire (live) and the famed Little Wing.

pic taken from

PS3 game... vending machine?

They call it the "entertainment vending machine". You can buy your DVDs, bluray disc, PS3 games and you can download from it. This is a Universal Pictures and Sony entertainment collaboration, and a work of genius.

Instant entertainment 24/7

Imagine if we got it in Brunei? Maybe there'll be some desperate gamer oblivious of the state of emergency still deciding whether he should get F.E.A.R or Bioshock in the dark corners of Gadong. That is IF he is THAT desperate.

pic taken from

Monday, November 3, 2008

Yoda in the PSN

On the latest content we downloaded from the PSN, we finaly got ourselves the Furry Green Jedi Master himself (for a price). This may be old news, but pitting Yoda against Vader is both a dream for Star Wars and Soul Calibur IV fans. Before any of this, Xbox360 would have to stick to Yoda while the PS3 had to settle with Darth Vader (not that we're complaining). For SGD8.49 and over 7MB you can get your own Yoda.

Short and Fearsome, am I?

So what do we think with our newly attained character? Yoda looks pretty on the PS3 with awesome details even from a strand of hair. His fighting style, however, is pretty jumpy (literally). His attacks are all leap based which solves the height problem (his height is nothing if you watched Attack of the Clones) but what we found funny was that we couldn't get Nightmare to do a grab attack on him. Here's an advantage for all you little people. Well, I'm off to get some more Lightsaber action!

Come to think of it.. did Yoda and Darth Vader ever fight in both the classic and the prequel trilogies?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Sackboys in Asian Server... for FREE!

Thank you Media Molecule! Astronaut and Halloween costume is now available in the Playstation Store(but don't download it yet until you get the game!) plus, there is a First Week T-shirt (cute) for SGD7.49 so you can show it off too your friends how awesome it is to play the game before anyone else did! Well some of you lucky people...

Without the game, I can only stare..

PS3 Version 2.50

It is now 1:40 am, November 02, Sunday. Seriously, the WiFi is not so good. We have been a bit slow on updating because downloading takes a strain on the hours for us (and our PS3 because we sent it for repair recently). But we got it.

This is after an HOUR!

Next to the new features, we get to use the PS store again. Still no LBP downloads yet but we'll survive. Max is now inputting the codes for his DEAD SPACE scorpion suit but he will have to wait a few hours to use it since we've been leaving the PS3 and the air con and the fan on for quite sometime. See goodnight (early morning?) everybody!

Here's what the System Update has to offer!

Settings changes
*You can now set the PS3 and/or wireless controllers to turn off automatically after a set period of inactivity.
*You can now set the PS3 to automatically turn off after a background download or installation of content has completed.
*The [BD/DVD Settings] option under [Settings] has been renamed to [Video Settings]
*The [Cinema Conversion] and [Upscale] options under [Video Settings] have been renamed to [BD/DVD Cinema Conversion] and [BD/DVD Upscaler].
*[50 Hz Video Output] has been added as an option under [Video Settings].
*[DivX VOD Registration Code] has been added under [System Settings]. This code can be used to register the PS3 to be able to play DivX VOD files.
*The method for reconnecting bluetooth devices has been modified.
*[German Keyboard (Switzerland)], [French Keyboard (Canada)] and [French Keyboard (Switzerland)] have been added as options under [Accessory Settings] > [Keyboard Type].

Media changes
-A scene-search feature similar to the version on the PSP has been added. This feature allows a video or PlayTV recordings to be broken up into one, two, or five-minute intervals, which can then be accessed quickly.
-You can now choose to have all the videos under the [Video] section of the XMB home menu play in sequence.
-You can now use the [Mosquito Noise Reduction] setting on videos saved on the console's hard drive or external storage media.
-Volume control now has nine levels instead of five.
-A pause button has been added to the mini music control panel on the XMB.
-Frame Conversion has now been removed for MPEG-4 videos. Anything other than 50 Hz will now be displayed in NTSC, showing up in black and white on legacy PAL systems that are incompatible with the NTSC video standard.

System changes
+The official PS3 bluetooth headset is now supported and a "High-quality (HQ)" mode, which allows higher-clarity voice communication, has been added for this headset.
+An on-screen indicator showing headset battery status, volume level, and whether HQ mode is active has been added.
+The PlayStation Trophies interface has been modified to show the percentage gained towards the next level in addition to the current level when viewing profiles or comparing trophies.
+The on-screen notification displayed when the player gains a trophy now displays the specific trophy icon created by the game's developer.
+The PlayStation Network Sign-Up and Account Management utilities have been redesigned.
+The method of disabling the automatic sign-in option and the way to sign out from PlayStation Network have been modified.
+Information has been added below the avatars of offline Friends in the Friends list indicating how long it has been since they were online.
+A "redeem codes" option has been added directly in the PlayStation Store to make it easier to redeem PlayStation Network Cards and promotion codes.
+The Internet Browser now supports Adobe Flash 9 content.
+Items on the Information Board can now link directly to an item in the PlayStation Store.
+Finnish, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian have been added as My languages options in the Account Management section
+You can now select printers that support network connectivity.
+HP printers are now supported.
+A recovery mode has been added. (Vitally Important)

Game changes
#In-game Screenshots, which allows screenshots to be taken while playing a game, has been added. This feature will be supported on a game by game basis.
#[Sync with Server] has been added as an option under [Trophy Collection].
#The [Settings and Connection Status List] option under [Network Settings] can now be viewed on the In-game XMB menu in some PS3 games.

Specifics taken from

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Media Molecule apologises.. with some more cool stuff!

A bit of a rocky start. We got controversial background music and a faulty server that made some people pretty much pissed off. So what did they do about it?

They got us some new digs! Some are free, some are not. I like the Gorilla costume, pretty menacing. Now, we haven't got the game yet but I can't wait to see the asian server would work out. Maybe we'll get these new costumes too!

pic taken from

Fear Alma Again

Here's another new trailer for F.E.A.R 2 : Project Origin. If you enjoy playing the first F.E.A.R then you will enjoy walking those eerie office corridors again. Would you? Maybe. Hey, cheer up! Older nude Alma is back in the game.

Warning: Of course, again, not for the faint hearted and people who now wish for a Big Bad Wolf to pop out and gobble Little Red Riding Hood.

Dante's Inferno

Ok, you are wondering why this gamer reads poetry. It turns out that I really do love reading classical pieces such as Shakespeare and Homer, but what I really like is hell related poetry. Marlowe's Faustus, Milton's Paradise Lost.. pretty morbid. What I'm most surprised is that EA is considering Dante's Inferno as a game project.

What will the game be like? Will you battle along with Virgil in the Nine Circles of Hell to challenge Satan himself? Die Hard gamers reading this will notice this is not the first Dante Alighieri inspired videogame. What else other than Devil May Cry?

Not that I'm telling you gamers to get off your butt and read a book. I suggest try reading the Divine Comedy for awhile. This epic poem is one of the greatest literary works of all time.

pic taken from

The Beatles videogame developed by Harmonix

More legends in the videogame market. It is confirmed that 45 songs will be in the game but it won't be a Rock Band expansion. Visual imagery will be a big part in the game and if you think it in terms of the Beatles it's defnitely pretty acidic and maybe a bit of Indian charm. News say that it will work on both Rock Band and maybe Guitar Hero hardware.

Ok, I've been really crazy about getting Guitar Hero : Metallica, but I'm also a BIG FAN of the Beatles. How many chances are there in a party when you join your friends to jam on some classics? This game will go Across the Universe!

PSP Firmware 5.01

The Playstation Store is now available for the PSP. Max recently updated his PSP and now we can download demos and videos on our fingertips anywhere within the WiFi range. Since we missed the last update, he got the 5.01 firmware which fixes the bugs on 8GB and 16GB memory sticks.

We are having fun with the the new upgrades. You can watch and download the Home trailer from PSP for free. But for those who haven't updated their PSPs on version 5.00, here's the firmware specifics:

* Playstation Network] has been added as a category in the XMB
*([Playstation Store] has been added under Playstation Network menu
* [Account Management] has been added under Playstation Network menu
* Sleep Timer Function for [Music]
* A new full-screen keyboard; press [Select] when the On-Screen Keyboard is displayed.
* A new optional redesigned XMB Background
* A new video format is supported (MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) Video Main Profile (AVC CABAC) in 640 x 480 pixels)
* [Title Display] feature under [Settings]
* [Backlight Auto-Adjust] has been added as an option under [Power Save Settings]

Specifics taken from