Monday, December 8, 2008

Metal Gear sequel hinted in the equation

You all may have heard about it. Is Kojima trying to hint something BIG in this equation, or Konami is trying to hide the fact of an unescapable truth through a overused commercial strategy? You decide.

Let's break some points to speculate. First of all, it's green in a black background. Green can mean Xbox360 and I'm SURE I'LL NEVER WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT! Shifting the game franchise to the Xbox is like a stab in the back of PS3 gamers since FFXIII went multi-platform. Knowing Kojima, he would make full use of the bluray disc (the 400GB disc is tempting) and use his signature game direction to overflow the data. Xbox doesn't have that and the MGS series will forever stick to the heart of Playstation owners world wide.