Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First iPad Post

This is my post using my iPad 2 and it seems great so far. The auto-correct pop ups now and then. The pic above is a drawing of a couple of friends of mine, relaxing in the corner, I made using the Paper app on the iPad. Its fun to play with. Paper is an app where u can draw using art tools on literally digital books, or port folio if you are an artist. It has a sample book for beginners and the applications are amazing, you can use it for marketing concepts, brainstorming, rough art, idea plans, technical structure. The app has been for some time now, but give it a try see what it can used for.

Not sure if I will keep using the iPad for blogging. The on screen keyboard is a challenge to type seeing that I have always type with my hands rested on the keyboard. Its a bit tiring but it's fun and it feels so futuristic. Typing on screen like in a science fiction movie. It's also so convenient. I can post while using apps on the go. Are tablets the future of computing?

I read an web article that Apple is making the next iPad the largest ever made. Something about people preferring to use larger screens. I guess its harder to type on the mini-iPad.