Saturday, December 28, 2013

Holiday Joys

I would just like to say... I spend too much in Steam. Its the second last week of the Steam Holiday Sale and I really spent too much. Just yesterday I bought Hotline Miami and it was great. Sudden deaths, quick pace game play, gushing brutally and maddening story. I'm juggling time playing video games, reading fantasy novels, and watching youtube vids.

Tragedy, nothing but tragedy
Started on The Walking Dead Episodes, got the 400 days DLC. I finished the game already but I want to try all over again and this time with the DLC. Cause like time I played the DLC was included yet. My brother bought it and played it. Saw his game play and it was as crazy as the rest of the game. Its about four characters in the world of The Walking Dead and their short stories. The amount of time spent on each character is a quarter of one episode so it should be pretty short. On their short adventures you will recognize some of the characters from the early episodes.

Anno 2070

The Anno series features cities building, resource management and cultural buildings. Been wanting to try the game since the release in 2011. It is set in the future in the year 2070 where the world is..... I don't know. The intro didn't explain much except for the three factions in the game; the economic people, the green people, and science people. Can't remember their names. Each faction offers different benefits; economic people are richer but harms environment, the green people nurtures natures but slows development and... you get the idea. Oh, you can build underwater facilities. That's cool.