Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tom Clancy's EndWar

Here's a possible game choice you might want to consider. We've been looking at EndWar quite sometime. Max praises the numbers and the very innovative Voice Command system. Seriously, this might be the pinnacle of future games. Control your armies with your Bluetooth Headset in the Speed of Thought.

Xbox360 version is now in ETA if you are interested, complete with its headset. PS3 owners might want to wait for a little while.

The unthinkable happens in 2016. A nuclear exchange in the Middle East kills 20 million people and cripples the world's oil supply. Crude oil prices spike at $800 a barrel. One year later, the threat of world-wide nuclear war is eliminated when the United States and Europe deploy a comprehensive space-based anti-ballistic missile shield. Russia soon follows with an advanced missile defense system of its own. Intercontinental ballistic missiles are rendered obsolete.
Russia becomes the world's primary supplier of energy and experiences a massive economic boom. With its newfound riches, Russia quickly re-establishes itself as a major superpower and restores her military might.
Western Europe, with the notable exception of the UK and Ireland, unifies to create the European Federation. This new nation is destined to be a formidable 21st-century Superpower.

In 2020, the United States is on the verge of finishing construction on the Freedom Star, a controversial orbital military platform that will upset the balance of world power. The European Federation withdraws from NATO in protest. Tensions between the European Federation, the United States, and Russia are building and will soon reach the breaking point. The EndWar is about to begin.

Fighting works like Rock, Paper, Scissors except its the Europe, US and Russia. Lead the faction where your allegiences lie to victory, control capital city and take control of the destructive satellites that started this whole mess in the first place.

You might want to remember this to extend the fun.
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel , India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa , Quebec , Romeo , Sierra , Tango , Uniform , Victor , Whiskey , X-ray, Yankee, Zulu .

Boxart and desciption taken from play-asia.com
Screenshot taken from Gamespot.com

Mirror's Edge releases today

Get ready to fall in love again. In a few weeks, this game will be in local shelves for all parkour enthusiast and hardcore gamers alike.

You might want to get it along with the soundtrack if you don't want to miss on 'Still Alive' and it's many remixes.

pic taken from thatvideogameblog.com