Saturday, November 15, 2008

Prince of Persia Film "First Look"

Like Gyllenhaal as the Prince? First time I heard Jake Gyllenhaal will be playing the lead, my reaction was, "Donnie Darko? That weirdo?". Others may have a different reaction, "OMG, the guy who kissed Heath Ledger?".

These things aside, will this film rock the casbah? Those who watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, rejoice! Mike Newell will be at the director's chair and Jerry Bruckheimer will be producing it (yes, the same producer for Pirates of the Carribean).

Here's the clip from Entertainment Tonight.

What scares me the most if not the fact that the Prince will be played by the same guy who played the homosexual Cowboy (Brokeback Mountain, my eyes!), it's the fact that it's from Walt Disney Pictures O_O

PS3 Keypad

Tired of typing messages in the PS3? Here's one attachment you will like. This will solve some issues, I mean I'm playing LBP and I'm communicating online like I'm making an SMS. This is a big NO-NO!

But I don't know. You can always use a USB Keyboard (Not that I've tried it. You know that roll up Keyboard made of plastic? Want one! Besides, I rather have the keyboard to stickto the PC for my blogging purposes). Maybe it's reserved for those lazy butts who can't get off the armchair.

One hand on the controller, another hand on the keyboard, and a mutated third hand to dig through the Ruffles.

pic taken from

Street Fighter IV release date set!

The game will be released in the US at Feb 17 next year. Can't wait for some Street Fighter action? We know you miss playing as Ryu or Ken, and definitely ChunLi. First time I played Street Fighter 2 was on the Gameboy (for you kids, it's the DS without the double screen and catridges 3x the size). It's great to revisit your classic favourite characters.

Pic taken from