Sunday, October 19, 2008

Welcome to Ziggy+Max gaming blog!

Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords eternally retold...

Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you our first collaborated Gaming blog dedicated to Brunei's Videogame community. We'll give you juicy Videogame news and info and some of our impressions on game titles. In this very webpage, we will express our awe and amazement, our criticsm, our lives and videogaming.

Also congratulations to Max for joining the Blog community. He won't be writing though. While he takes the position as helmsman, I will be at the seat as captain by posting the articles. Max will be doing research on the latest gaming news.

So cheers to the future of blogging, the evolution, the community, and to all of you, especially who come by and read our blog ^_^

Max says, "Want daily news? It all depends on Ziggy's pace."