Saturday, March 14, 2015

X series free to play this weekend

X series is a space simulator, PC game that I discovered years ago. I first noticed the one of the trailers for X3 Terran Conflict and I was mesmerized. Think, Build, Trade and Fight to build your intergalactic trade empire, oh i really like the idea.

I got X3 Terran Conflict years ago and when I first played it, I was impressed with the scale of the game. A truly large galaxy to discover. Huge space stations make my early space ship feel small. The space ship designs were diverse with each faction and they were truly unique to behold. The same goes for the space stations. I remember the first time I bought my first space station, the beginnings of my trading empire. Trading ships could be automated to collect my resources from my space station and sell them to other space stations. Getting enough credits to buy more ships for my fleet. The story may not be engaging but the rewards of following up on them can be great.

I'll stop here, there is literally too much to mention about. Moving on.

 In 2013, Egosoft released X3 Rebirth introducing a new HUD interface and by that I mean looking through the cockpit, not an outside camera of the ship like Terran Conflict (although there were mods for that). Also introduces a new universe due to some event in X3 Albion Prelude (got the game but never had the time). I expected this game to be great, I mean the trailer was cool with the next gen. graphics. Oh, players can now walk around their ship and have a co-pilot. This is a new thing for the series.

Screenshot of X3 Rebirth

The review that came after were bad. Metacritic gave it a 3 out 10 and Steam gave it 5 out 10. I was surprised to see this. I was really expected to be better than this. In 2014, that when patches were release and then new opinions of the game said the game was now fixed from early problems. Reviews were made on its latest patches and how it made the game 'what should have been released early on' as reviewers say.

I reconsidered to get X3 Rebirth and put under my wishlist. I got the game for a 66% discount on Steam which was cool. It was timely given the latest patch for some improvements. Hope to spend hours on it, creating my trading empire and building my fleet.

If you like space simulators, don't mind micromanaging and robotic voices, check it out.