Friday, December 13, 2013

Rome 2, One of the Best Strategy Games of 2013

Hello Internet, back for more gaming stories. This time I would like to mention a certain video game of which in my opinion captures some of the most epic scenes done in movies. A game which attempts to emulate the glory of battle. A game which creates an opportunity for players to set plans for world domination. That game... is Rome 2 Total War.

British Confederation vs. Gallic Confederation

Rome 2 Total War is the latest game in the Total War series, followed up by Shogun 2 Total War Fall of the Samurai. The game begins at 250 BC, before the rise of the Roman Empire. When starting a new campaign, players must select a faction to control. Players can be one of the three families of Rome, one of the three royal families of Carthage, or one of the Daidochis (Successors) of Alexander's Empire. On appearance the factions have different cultures which influences their type of army, buildings and relationships with other factions.

The cultural difference is a fresh experience as in Shogun 2 the factions have the same culture with the same type of army and buildings. The only difference between them was the provincial benefits like iron mines, carpenter's shop, and religious building. In Rome 2, depending on the culture of the faction it determines the benefit that helps later in the game. When I chose the Iceni tribe of Britain, there was a discount on army maintenance and an increase in public order if at war.This helps me build a larger army and keeps  conquered settlement in control.

British Chariots charges into battle

 The main attraction of the Rome 2 is the battles. The detail on the army units is amazing, plus the shield designs are attractive and the Greek army unit shields look so cool (see pic below). The scenery is beautiful and diverse. Zooming in just makes it look even better. From the grass to trees, from the buildings to the animal found on the field. and the weather makes it more lifelike. When the fighting starts, the duel animated become more cinematic. The sudden stab to the belly, the parries to avoid getting stab and cavalry charges just make you distracted from the battle. These doesn't seem to be any night battles.

Greek mercenaries

Construction of building has been simplified. Settlement construction is grouped up into a province and construction selection is laid out through one interface. This makes it easier to keep track of settlement progress which helps faction management. The simplicity doesn't affect the building diversity or the building tree.

British army ambushed

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