Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Another Year

Another year has passed and I haven't been updating this blog as much as I should. Maybe post annually? I wonder... nope. I don't want to be too lazy. There is much I could mention.. yet I don't feel like it? Yup, lazy indeed.

Well.. Horizon Zero Dawn is releasing next week. I plan to get the game on the PS store and prepare for that preload. The reviews are out with glowing praises, ratings 9 out of 10 and the like. I guess it was a surprise considering it was made by the sames guys who made the Killzone series. They are shooter games series that got really popular since the release of the second game on the PS3. I got the game and it was engaging with the invasion of the Helghase home world. Back to Horizon, when I first saw the game I thought it was cool with the robot dinosaurs, especially the one that looks like a T-Rex. You know the dinosaur with a large head, short arms and stands on two legs. In the trailers I saw more stranger machines imitating other animals like deer, velociraptor and a crab. The most intriguing part the the mysteries of the game's world. What happen to the modern civilization, why robot animals, secret in the shelter bunkers and whats going on in the game world. When I get the game I'm going to find out.