Saturday, March 11, 2017

March Stuff and Cut.

So I got Horizon Zero Dawn and finished the main story mission with sub-missions, errands and trials completed.. four days after game was released. Now that was some intensive gaming, playing for more than six hours straight everyday till it was finished. I guess it was because that the game has a great story and engaging gameplay. Also with me being so focused on the game world being mesmerizing. The lighting in the game really changes the mood of the environment. I could be in the same place twice and realize how the world looks slightly different. The game can be difficult but manageable. Hunting machines reminds me of Monster Hunter, attack, avoid and repeat until the monster is defeated.

There will be a sequel, the ending suggest it. No DLC other than the extra armor and weapon. I wish there was DLCs to expand the story like venturing to the forbidden west or going to other tribes homelands like the Claim or where the Banuk came from.

Other thing, I recently just finished Dreamfall Chapters, an adventure game from the creators of the The Longest Journey and Dreamfall. I have wanted to finished this game for sometime and now I feel happy that the story is completed. Dreamfall Chapters is the story continuation to Dreamfall which is great since the ending of Dreamfall kind of ended with a cliffhanger. I finished Dreamfall around 2010 I think but the game was released on 2006. Four years old yet the story is still great, good voice acting and amazing soundtrack. The theme song is so memorable. I think it was given an award. One song that I remember was Rush by Invild Hasund. The song was made me feel sad with its soft singing.

Back to Dreamfall Chapters, what surprise was that how much the story builds on both The Longest Journey and Dreamfall. It had small part of their story put into Chapters. There is  the gameplay, its simple enough just walk a round following the story, solve puzzles and a little stealth gameplay. The puzzles can be easy yet a few are truly frustrating. When I solve these difficult puzzles, I notice how out of the box the solutions can be yet it was kind of enlightening on how unique the puzzles can be. It really reminds me of the old point and click adventure. I remember how frustrated I can be if I can't solve them. The solution is always not what I expected. Everytime I get stuck I had to look up online to solve it.

The story is the main part of the game and I like the mysteries ongoing since Dreamfall. The world is more diverse than I expected and the characters even more as they talk with their own unique manner. Now the story choices and consequences bring some weight in what you do in the game and makes you wonder if you made the right decision. I like this mechanic as it blends the world to your choices. There are few easter eggs I can recognise. The story was great and ended gracefully.

Oh yeah, last post from me. Bye!