Tuesday, December 24, 2013

First mobile blog post

Hello internet, this is the first time I'm using my Iphone for the blog. Its rather convienient for me to take post on the go. This post is created using the blogger app that I found in the appstore. It was free so I gave a go. I'm curious to see what blogger will come up next.

On the Instance of Experience

Gaming in a sense is to project yourself upon a greater reality through the avatar that we control. What we see, and when we see it, is a window to a greater calling of adventure and excitement. Originally, I always discussed the amazement on how video gaming in a sense became a medium of self expression within the art forms of another.

Dare we say, the Interactive Narrative is what became of contemporary entertainment since the days when home video challenged cinema. We become engulfed to our seats upon the immersiveness of how gaming is today. Let me declare that Beyond: Two Souls (just as its predecessor, Heavy Rain) is outright cinema, with interactions that build a storyline. One would realise that this isn't plausible in the older days. Might as well place a controller in front of a theatre and play as you please.

Only we are now able in the comforts of our own home. So hay ho! Welcome to the future of stories! Where the storm reaches the eye in the small boxes that carry the ocean data as we live and breathe. The holographic sense of hallucinations we swim in. This is video gaming. Rarely defined by mere experience, but the act of living in the virtual world where even today, we find each other face to face. Just not the same.

As a bonus though. Check out this song of Ellen Page's Cover of BECK's "Lost Cause". A virtual masterpiece, although temporary in the age of technology but immortal in impression for most video gamers out there.
