Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dead Space : On Hand Impressions

Dead Space is a game best played in the dark. This is very true. Playing horror games at night can be an awful ordeal. But if you want the thrill, you've got to! Ranging from Silent Hill to Clock Tower, the adrenaline rush can be an exciting experience when you play the game. The jumps intensify the game and the panic whenever you get surrounded always get you high. Best of all, beating your enemy to a pulp in the end feels very rewarding. (You damn Fish Demon! *Smash foot on face*)

Dead Space is what some of you might call it 'Resident Evil 4 with gravity boots', a 'BioShock inspired piece', but I call it 'Silent Hill in space'. This is Sci-fi horror at its best with an engaging storyline and immersive gameplay that will keep you at your toes, your eyes glued to screen even when they try to pull away.

Those who start playing for the first time are treated with fantastic visuals.

Max: "All of this, in just the FIRST chapter!"

It's like playing the PS3 for the first time again. The graphics were so flawless, you could almost feel the objects on screen. Surprisingly there are no displays overhead. You life gauge, Your armor, your ammo etc can all be found in the visuals. (You see the glowing lights coming out of his spine that looks like it's there for merely decoration? That's his life bar). The game is beautifully done to the tiniest detail, it can almost make you weep.

Strategic Dismemberment. They are really dead serious.

Remember the times you played Resident Evil 4 and pray for headshots? Headshots won't even kill them. Cut an arm or leg to render your enemy immobile is the objective to eliminate them. Or else, they'll keep bothering you till the end. Strategic Dismembering is the key element of this game, so think quick. A note of warning though, your enemies will try to do the same.

Checking menus or communication are done in real time. You can walk around even when you watch the hologram.

Storyline and item menus are done in hologram in game. Don't hope for a pause button when you are running out of oxygen and hunted by a nearby Necromorph. HUD elements are all done in real time, giving you the realistic cinematic experience you never expected.

Don't expect Zergling. They get smarter everytime!

What impressed us the most? The enemy AI are amazingly intelligent. Though they don't always come in groups, but be ready if you see one in a corner and find another one coming straight behind you. Then you realise, 'Did they act decoy and flank me?' If they come in multiple groups, prepare to be accurate to cut off some limbs with some quick thinking.

Max: This game is not for the feint of heart. These enemies will jump you every chance they get and they are very clever.

No one's going to save you in the dead reaches of space

The cinematic experience is killer amazing. CG rendered animations are so awesome and cutscenes are so well portrayed. Even in Zero Gravity, the sight of floating dead bodies and blood has this disturbing sense of elegance in it.

Max: "Can you believe it? Fighting in ZERO GRAVITY!"

Here's the trailer of the animated feature film, Dead Space: Downfall (prequel to Dead Space). Here's to give you an idea of what the game will be like and how the Necromorphs are like. Warning: Viewer Discretion is Advised.