Sunday, December 15, 2013

My thoughts on State of Decay

There is a trend in the video game market for survival games where players have to survive a hostile environment, especially from zombies. Not sure what started the trend but I believe it is largely influenced from the Walking Dead TV series. Average people trying live in world of constant danger; the show is heavily dramatized and has some shocking climatic scenes. Average people, not military trained soldiers, not equipped with high-tech weaponry, just you’re everyday people.

I would like to introduce to you another zombie survival game, State of Decay. Apparently it is a based on another game (not sure). You start in the middle of park discovering for the first time the zombies that roam the game world. The controls are immersive, the character movements decently fluid and pacing is little faster than realistic. Combat is easy to get into; you can go melee with your weapon or shoot with your gun (if you have one). The game works like an RPG, equip your character in the inventory screen and killing zombies increases your fighting experiences. Collecting XP lets you choose your skills and upgrade your current ones.

Incoming zombie