Thursday, April 24, 2014

Free to Play? Awesome!

What is it these days that great games like Team Fotress, Planetside 2, and Star Wars the Old Republic become free to play. As in get the game for no cost at all and if there was one, it would be optional. Is it a desperate attempt to get attention? Is it advertising tactic to show the game producers future product? Is it to battle the dominating popularity of Blizzard's World of Warcraft? Or maybe its a way to give back to video gamers for their faith in the game.

You're probably wondering why is Dead Space screenshot is shown above. Well, that because the game is FREE in EA Origin. Yup, Electronic Art's digital distributor of video games is giving Dead Space, not the second game nor the third but the first game, away for free or what it says on the store page.. On The House. If you heard about the game, get it cause it will knock your sock off.

Dead Space store page in Origin
First you register to Origins, follow the instructions, provide necessary information, confirm email and then it should simple from there. Get it while its still hot.