Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Are Indie Games Bubbles?

First the pic above is not mine. Just using it show all the popular indie games out there, there's Fez, Minecraft, Braid, Journey, and few other I know but forgot the title. I don't the warrior lady in the center. Its a great pic.

Back to the subject, bubbles or bubble is a term used to describe the value of a commodity that keeps rising and rising till it pops then nose dives straight down to zero which is known as bubble burst. Its like trends like accessories, clothes, videos, and stuff. It just popular and fun for awhile and people get their kicks for it, but eventually people get bored and lose interest. Then nobody wants it anymore. Gone like the wind. I hope I explain that right.

The reason I mention the bubble is because there was this web article I read somewhere months ago that indie games could be a bubble. Video gamers would keep buying the latest  indie games and the popular ones. Games like Rust with its open world, online multi-player survivor game and Kerbal Space Program where player build space ships and try to travel to all the planets in the KerbalVerse (My words, no idea what the devs call it). Both are great games.

These kind of games may become less desirable and boring to some. This will lead to a decline of demand for indie games. There several causes for this and one of them is the large number of indie games. If you visit Steam and checkout the number of game under Steam Greenlight, it is a lot. The games under Kickstarter. Following the rules of supply and demand, large supply of one commodity means low demand. It doesn't necessarily mean it is just indie games, the large of supply of games from older systems and older PCs games are being offer like the ones on Good Old Games.

But how can that be when are great indie games out there? Yes, there are a lot to choose from but some standout more than the rest like Planetary Annihilation. It looks like players will be enjoying that game for years to come.

Planetary Annihilation
Another reason would be the alternative video games choices. There are great games that are on the tablet devices like the iPad and Android Tabs. There are lots of games to choose from on the AppStore and GooglePlayStore. And with the added convenience of the mobile handheld devices, this sounds better than to play them on the the PC.

Gratuitous Space Battle
But not truly alternative as some indie games have been ported to the mobile devices. Games like Gratuitous Space Battles, originally release for the PC yet it also available for the iPad. There are also some other games but I forgot.

But this is just me blogging my thoughts.