Monday, November 10, 2008

Sackboy Dreams

To explain my 3 day inactivity, I am devilishly occupied with Little Big Planet. The levels are extremely clever and the gameplay is really simple. To those who are really nervous about this game, no it's not a kiddy game. We are not looking at little dolls played by 2 year olds, we are looking at a PERSONALISED ragdoll of your own GOD GIVEN ability to CREATE!

The real focus is IMAGINATION. Everything you see in the levels, you can recreate yourself. You can make it look like Mario but you can also imitate other levels and create as you see fit. The only problem you might find is the controlling but you will get used to them as you go. You can even move your limbs (trigger buttons for arm movement and the Sixaxis to control his head *shakes controller, Sackboy headbangs*)

Want to extend the fun? Bring a friend along! Just click on the PS button on any controller and you are on the way to play. While your at it, you can give each other some SMACKING (hold trigger button, tilt stick left to right or alternatively when you are close. SACKBOY BRUTALITY!

While I wait to find the way to upload the pictures into the PS3 hardrive, here is a visual representation of what my Sackboy looks like right now.

Beauty, my friends, is in the eye of the beholder. I wonder if I can make a Paradise lost themed level..

Thank you MrSyaf for helping us try out the online feature (and ofcourse the trophies!)^^

Box art taken from