Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dragon's Dogma coming to PC

Now this is an awesome video game. I hope it gets ported. Dragon's Dogma is an action adventure game where players will battle against fantastical creatures in a sandbox world. I haven't played it in a long time but the experience was truly one of a kind, fighting against undead, goblins, bandits, ogres, trolls, and dragons. The best part of this game is the open world feel of exploring a mystical world full of mysteries and surprises, and fighting in amazing boss fights.

Mage against drake
The player is accompanied by pawns. Pawns are basically your team mates that join you in your battles. There four in total, including you and your personally created pawn. The two others are created from some other world or other players. Some are by default, other are more unique.

Story wise, its basically about defeating a dragon. Or is it? As you play the story develops into some more than a dragon hunt. Its about deciding the fate those around you, the world and more. It may seem that one play through is not enough to complete in the world's quests, story and mysteries.

The game has decent play through time which can get longer if the player explores more of the world.  The world map may seem small but only shows the surface of the world. There are hidden dungeons, secret areas, shortcuts and optional bosses to find.

A New Game+ feature is available that allows the player to try new decisions and taking miss opportunities. There is more side quests but only if the you follow up from your earlier mission. It may lead to surprising developments like finding out what happen to certain characters and unlocking secret equipment.

I never got the expansion, Dark Arisen. Maybe this PC port will have the expansion included. If you like fantasy action adventure, huge boss fights and mysteries, check it out.