Friday, September 11, 2015

My Thoughts on: Grow Home

Grow Home is game where players control a robot to help grow a star plant from the ground to the stars. I think the goal is to keep growing the plant until it reaches the robot's space ship. The game was made by Ubisoft and developed using the Unity engine.

The reason why I mention Grow Home is that the game got voted for free in Playstation Store and since I subscribed for the Playstation Plus, I got the game for free. So far the game has been a fun. At first, the game setting seems to be on a small island. Do a little exploring, find the star plant,  and help it grow. Then the start plant starts to grow and rise higher in to the sky. Next thing, I find myself on a small floating island, looking at the colossal size of the start plant that I help grow.

I find myself climbing up and down the gigantic star plant, gliding in the air using a flower, help the star plant grow and see how high the plant grows. So far, I managed to get halfway, I think. This is the kind of game where you should take your time and enjoy the scenery. The view from where you the star plant has stop growing to where the you started is an amazing view. The distance should impress anybody. It make me wonder the view would like from space. Yes, it can grow up to space. So it suggests.