Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mirror's Edge Demo Impressions

I really meant it when I said, "Have a lil Faith". We got a taste of some free runnning after downloading the demo (it's 840MB, btw) and it does have its little ups and downs. (Check out my article on this demo on )

We love it! Great visuals make up for the frustration and the fluidity of gameplay makes it a superb experience. L1 to jump, and L2 to Slide, who would have thought of that before this? The best fun is when you run without braking. It's absolutely cool but occasional stops to solve puzzles might slow the pace down, but with some combination moves you can get the work done!

It's moments like these that make you go "WARGHHH!!!"

Heights isn't our problem. It's avoiding it. Plummets make you scream in tears and you go through all that again and again till you get it right. And the most troublesome part is trying to get that momentum right. What does it take to jump to one spot right? Of course, FAITH! Set your timing right and it won't interrupt your mojo.

But truth be told, we really want to know more! It is definitely one game you want to put in your collection. Think of the years to come when you dust off the PS3 and stare at the game's box then reminiscing all those fantastic white visuals that got you hooked in the first place ^^

pic taken from

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