Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dante's Inferno

Ok, you are wondering why this gamer reads poetry. It turns out that I really do love reading classical pieces such as Shakespeare and Homer, but what I really like is hell related poetry. Marlowe's Faustus, Milton's Paradise Lost.. pretty morbid. What I'm most surprised is that EA is considering Dante's Inferno as a game project.

What will the game be like? Will you battle along with Virgil in the Nine Circles of Hell to challenge Satan himself? Die Hard gamers reading this will notice this is not the first Dante Alighieri inspired videogame. What else other than Devil May Cry?

Not that I'm telling you gamers to get off your butt and read a book. I suggest try reading the Divine Comedy for awhile. This epic poem is one of the greatest literary works of all time.

pic taken from

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