Sunday, September 25, 2016

One Long Year

Wow, its been more than one year since my last post. A lot has happen since then, I finished Bloodborne, I read a few novels, played No Man's Sky, and went on a trip in KL.

Bloodborne for me leaves the sense of dread and despair that one would get from a game like this. I'm like level 50 something in New Game+ and.. I don't want to go through all that mess again. Its less difficult now compared to how I first started in the game but the enemy attacks are still strong and simple mistakes can still get you killed. The Old Hunters expansion came out months ago but I never got the time or interest to get it. When I do get interested, I just watch other people's playthroughs in Youtube.

Months ago I read this book by Mark Lawrence I think, called Emperor of Thorns. The third book in the trilogy. Good trilogy to read, a real gritty fantasy story. Funny thing is that I read the trilogy because the title of the first was Prince of Thorns, which was  a cool title by the way.

Now, No Man's Sky. It was a cool game, travel the galaxy from one star system to another. Visit exotic planets and each can be similar, different or completely unexpected. I've been to hot places, frozen planets, toxic, radioactive, oceanic (a real word?), lush forest world and barren moons. The strangest planet I visited was a planet that had no mountains but instead long twisted arches. Another was barren planet with small arches. I think I spent more than a hundred hours on the game and it was fun. I haven't reached the center of the galaxy yet. I am either discovering new worlds or trying to travel as much as I can to the center.