Thursday, January 30, 2014

Busy month

Hello internet, its been a while. I am trying to stay updated with the current happenings in my life (gaming life). Its been a lax month. Steam keeps getting new games which i have no interest in. Although some of the early access looks awesome, there mostly in alpha (in development) and in beta (stable version in development). In short? Not so awesome. I bought Starbound despite being in beta it a lot to offer. There are dissapointments like Godus, you play as a god guiding his people to properity (in think). Cool idea but fall short on expectation. How do i know that? Internet reviews. Just google Godus review, there should be a lot of results. 

Hope to be able to post more often. I'm thinking of creating a schedule like every two or three days, or every tuesday and friday.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Lets begin another year of Gaming

It is now 2014, HAPPY NEW YEAR. Its going to an exciting year, tons of upcoming games going to be released this year. The Steam Holiday Sale is over and I bought too many games for me to play. I now officially poor with no money to buy new games for January. Although I did receive discount coupons for Crusader Kings 2 and another which I fail to remember.

So this year will be the year of the horse,.... got nothing to say about that.

One game to be mentioned is Ubisoft's Watch Dogs. Its similar with Grand Theft Auto where the player can explore the world and interact with it, but it can do more interactions; mobile phone interactions. What does that mean? Ok, imagine going around the town to and with your smartphone you can hack into other phones with ease. Not only that, you can hack into traffic light systems, you access mobile phone user's information and supposedly you access car's computer systems. This game is on watchlist and so is mine.