Thursday, November 20, 2014

Valkyria Chronicles on the PC

Cutscene in the game
Valkyria Chronicles is a strategic video game with shooter aspects for the PS3. It was a great game with its touching story, anime-like art design, interesting visual tone for World War 2 environment and unique game play. It had great reviews on its innovative depth into WW2 battles that was never tried before. Combining strategic gameplay with your units interacting on the battle like a 2nd person shooter game.

The main character is a tank commander who commands a squad of soldiers to defend their country, Galia. A fictional country that neighbors two powerful nations, who have at war for years and Galia has remained neutral in their conflicts but eventually the war spread to their borders. The hero leads to defend his country along side some colorful characters.

The story is both heartwarming and tragic. The hero will go through similar issues of WW2 that bring a sense of relation to better understand the world of Valkyria Chronicles and the cultural influences that can be seen in the game.

The gameplay is something that every gamer should try, its a turn-based strategy where the hero selects troopers to the battlefield. When your turn begins, you choose a soldier or tank, move across the battlefield, set up and shoot at any enemies. The shooting phase set the soldier or tank to shoot in a 2nd person shooter aspect.

2nd Person Shooter View
The each soldier you choose is unique as each of them have their personal traits that effect their battle skill. The solider could fight better in cities or forest, have better accuracy, is more resilient or can spot enemy units from farther distances. It makes you feel like your playing XCOM or Final Fantasy Tactics.

In cover
There are several DLCs for the game, introducing misadventures of certain characters in the game and another campaign on the Empire's side of the war. There is no online features which is probably why not many people heard of it but the game was succeeded into two sequels for the PSP. An anime was released years ago and it was interesting to see characters from the game in a different view.

Valkyria Chronicles has been released in Steam. If you are interested, go get it. It leaves an awesome impression.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Are Indie Games Bubbles?

First the pic above is not mine. Just using it show all the popular indie games out there, there's Fez, Minecraft, Braid, Journey, and few other I know but forgot the title. I don't the warrior lady in the center. Its a great pic.

Back to the subject, bubbles or bubble is a term used to describe the value of a commodity that keeps rising and rising till it pops then nose dives straight down to zero which is known as bubble burst. Its like trends like accessories, clothes, videos, and stuff. It just popular and fun for awhile and people get their kicks for it, but eventually people get bored and lose interest. Then nobody wants it anymore. Gone like the wind. I hope I explain that right.

The reason I mention the bubble is because there was this web article I read somewhere months ago that indie games could be a bubble. Video gamers would keep buying the latest  indie games and the popular ones. Games like Rust with its open world, online multi-player survivor game and Kerbal Space Program where player build space ships and try to travel to all the planets in the KerbalVerse (My words, no idea what the devs call it). Both are great games.

These kind of games may become less desirable and boring to some. This will lead to a decline of demand for indie games. There several causes for this and one of them is the large number of indie games. If you visit Steam and checkout the number of game under Steam Greenlight, it is a lot. The games under Kickstarter. Following the rules of supply and demand, large supply of one commodity means low demand. It doesn't necessarily mean it is just indie games, the large of supply of games from older systems and older PCs games are being offer like the ones on Good Old Games.

But how can that be when are great indie games out there? Yes, there are a lot to choose from but some standout more than the rest like Planetary Annihilation. It looks like players will be enjoying that game for years to come.

Planetary Annihilation
Another reason would be the alternative video games choices. There are great games that are on the tablet devices like the iPad and Android Tabs. There are lots of games to choose from on the AppStore and GooglePlayStore. And with the added convenience of the mobile handheld devices, this sounds better than to play them on the the PC.

Gratuitous Space Battle
But not truly alternative as some indie games have been ported to the mobile devices. Games like Gratuitous Space Battles, originally release for the PC yet it also available for the iPad. There are also some other games but I forgot.

But this is just me blogging my thoughts.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Need Stylus

Hello Internet, this is one of my earlier attempts using Paper. It's a drawing of my dad and it almost looks like him I guess. Not really. I guess I captured his something? I was using my fingers to draw. It's difficult to draw well yet it is so simple and fun to finger paint. I really need a stylus if I plan to keep drawing.

Also I have only access to ink tool, eraser and the color palette. It has more tools, pencil, marker, brush, pen and color mixer. I need to pay to use them and it tempting because the app show previews of what the tools can be used for. There's even a test box for users to try it. Still need to consider. Unlikely as I keep considering video games and Steam sales are really good.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First iPad Post

This is my post using my iPad 2 and it seems great so far. The auto-correct pop ups now and then. The pic above is a drawing of a couple of friends of mine, relaxing in the corner, I made using the Paper app on the iPad. Its fun to play with. Paper is an app where u can draw using art tools on literally digital books, or port folio if you are an artist. It has a sample book for beginners and the applications are amazing, you can use it for marketing concepts, brainstorming, rough art, idea plans, technical structure. The app has been for some time now, but give it a try see what it can used for.

Not sure if I will keep using the iPad for blogging. The on screen keyboard is a challenge to type seeing that I have always type with my hands rested on the keyboard. Its a bit tiring but it's fun and it feels so futuristic. Typing on screen like in a science fiction movie. It's also so convenient. I can post while using apps on the go. Are tablets the future of computing?

I read an web article that Apple is making the next iPad the largest ever made. Something about people preferring to use larger screens. I guess its harder to type on the mini-iPad.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What to Watch

Hello internet, Max here. I love game trailers, nothing is as mesmerizing, engaging and imaginative then a  game trailer. It is one of my best reasons to wake up every morning, just to watch that amazing, kick ass game trailer. Although over time after watching a lot of game trailers, you just realize that the best part of the game is not in game.

Worse are the ones that oversell the game, when you get it and feel how bad it is. There comes the sense of betrayal and anger. The expectations set by viewers after watching the game trailers that just fails to reach the level of satisfaction is just hard to bear.

Like the creative assembly's Stormrise. Came out in 2009. Check out this trailer.

Awesome trailer, right? Then the reviews came and what a shocker. Gamespot gave it a 2 out 10. It was so hard to believe it was such a disappointing game. I didn't even know Gamespot could bother to rate the game so low. I truly wanted to buy this game, then I watch a game review in Youtube and I didn't want it anymore.

Some though reach a higher expectation than what trailers can show or just meets the exact amount. The narrator telling the tale or ominous warnings. The view of game world. Bits of gameplay. The right music to match the video. The immense gratification of getting just the best game out there. Like Skyrim.

And some just make you to wonder and leave your mouth open. Like No Man's Sky trailer.

I am really hoping to see what in store in this game. There are a lot of gametrailers out there, some are for teasing, some to impress, humor, horrify. Just another good reason to wake tomorrow. For me, after watching the game trailer below and I want it.

I have a thing for anime.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Flash, New Frontier

It has been a busy month for me, my internship is on its second last month and I have a project to finish by the end of next month. I am not sure if it will be done but I keep going till its finished.

In the mean time I have been going through Adobe Flash tutorials and its been fun. Learning the capabilities of flash animation and actionscript programming. Still a lot to learn and it is really a lot. Lots a people for different stuff like advertising, animation, developing apps, teaching, illustrations and more.

There was this tutorial in YouTube video I found about how to make a 3D flip animation. The videos below.

It seems like a cool animation to try and so I follow the tutorial. This is my result. Click on the red box.

Simple and done. I'll try the next tutorial.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Defining Survival Games

What makes a great survival video game? Is it the sense of dread when traversing unknown territory? Is it about leaving all the luxuries of home and living in the wilderness? Is it about managing resources like water and food and trying to make a stable home in harsh environments? Is it fighting hostile enemies while trying to stay alive till the next day? Or is it about creating a safe a home and preparing for the worst?

There was one article I read in (I think). It was a discussion about the why are game developers making most survivor games into a fight for survival from raiders, zombies, creepers, and any hostile creature that means to take the player out of the game. It continued on about a survival game isn't just about defending from enemies or taking out any competitors. Survival games are about living in harsh environments, removing yourself from your home and managing to stay alive.

Banished, for example, is about building a settlement from a procedural generated world. The game has a survival feel as players have to managing the villagers and keep them dying. Not attacks or raids from hostiles but from starvation, disease, and freezing. Players have to set up building to manufacture tools, plot farms for food and fell trees for fire wood. This kind of game play brings forth a welcome change from the conventional survival games.

Despite the good argument, having enemies that attack periodically can be exciting and fun. Like Left for Dead and Dead Island where players have fight off zombie hordes to reach their goals by either gunning down zombies or cutting through with axes, hammer or whatnot melee weapons.

I found the article enlightening and found myself appreciating the game mechanics of a survival game. I have played Banished, Left for Dead and Dead Island and they are all great games to play. Its really about what people like to play and shoot zombies is way easier than to manage a town.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Free to Play? Awesome!

What is it these days that great games like Team Fotress, Planetside 2, and Star Wars the Old Republic become free to play. As in get the game for no cost at all and if there was one, it would be optional. Is it a desperate attempt to get attention? Is it advertising tactic to show the game producers future product? Is it to battle the dominating popularity of Blizzard's World of Warcraft? Or maybe its a way to give back to video gamers for their faith in the game.

You're probably wondering why is Dead Space screenshot is shown above. Well, that because the game is FREE in EA Origin. Yup, Electronic Art's digital distributor of video games is giving Dead Space, not the second game nor the third but the first game, away for free or what it says on the store page.. On The House. If you heard about the game, get it cause it will knock your sock off.

Dead Space store page in Origin
First you register to Origins, follow the instructions, provide necessary information, confirm email and then it should simple from there. Get it while its still hot.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rising trend of survival games?

There has been an increasing trend of survival video games sold  in the market. Zombie survivors, environmental survivor, post-apocalyptic survivor, horror survivors, sci-fi survivors, adventurous survivors and more. The survivor themed game play is where the player has to endure or fight just to continue playing. There is a sense of thrill in the fight for survival and the horrific feeling in dying.

Zombie survivors are the common theme for the survivor genre. Players have to fight off zombie hordes in order to live another day. The sense of dread in the knowledge in managing the amount of bullets and medical supplies. The beautiful feeling of gratification in surviving a day of zombie hordes encourages players to push on.

DayZ is currently is most popular zombie survivor video games out there. Players can play as single player, co-op or online and explore a post-apocalyptic world where zombies horde are found everywhere. When night time comes, it get even scarier as players can only see using their flash lights and zombie easily gang up on them. Other online players can choose to attack other players in the course of the game. So, I guess its fair game for everyone.


Another popular survivor game is Rust. There are no zombie, monsters or any dangerous animals. It is a multi-player game where players are set to live in a vast open-world and can choose to either to make  friends to form alliances or enemies. So I guess its fair game, not a good game to make friends. Unlike DayZ, players can build structures to make a home and defenses against other players.

Don't Starve

Don't Starve, the game title says it all, find food to live another day. Players is set in a 2D world of which I'm guessing is inspired by Tim Burton (Demon of Fleet Street, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride) because it is a creepy game. There is a brain meter which measures the character's sanity, if low the player will notice hallucinations appearing and hungry eyes in the shadows. Craft tools to collect resources and research to build new tools.

There are survivors game to come, each with its own premise and gimmick to entice players to try. I hope to see more kinds of survivors in the future.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Banished, a City Simulator to try

Church in construction
Banished is city building simulator which was released October, 2013 for the PC. Its a great game of try. There are no enemies, no hostiles, no great disaster,this is about surviving the environment and try to keep your people alive.

The main thing to watch over are your settlers. They are what keep your settlement alive and operated. They live to work, eat food to stay alive, give birth to children and in the end pass away. This is concept is unusual but in a good way.

Starting a new game get you a handful of settlers and a warehouse filled with food supplies, building materials and construction tools. You can set the game to made easier by changing the game modes like enabling and disabling disasters and other hazards. You can also change the environment from flat lands to mountain sides.

The quarry
The purpose of the game is to develop your settlement into a bustling metropolis. There are no research trees for you to discover, all buildings are available to be built at any time which is great. This makes planning easy for future growth.Build farms to grow crops, build a forge to maintain construction tools, build graveyards to bury the dead, and build houses to house your people. 

The settlers are your currency, without them the game is finished. Keep them fed, happy, warm from the winter cold and your will be just fine. Later in the game, disasters will occur that will endanger your people. It can diseases, fires, and the harsh winter cold.

The game goes on forever and if you enabled disaster, it be an exciting journey from settlement to city. The success depends on your skill to manage it.

Check the game play video below. 

    The game is just less than half a gigabyte. The graphic may not the best, but decent. Here is the minimum system requirement: 
      • OS: Win XP SP3 / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 
      • Processor: 2 GHz Intel Dual Core processor 
      • Memory: 512 MB RAM 
      • Graphics: 512 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible card (shader model 2) 
      • DirectX: Version 9.0c 
      • Hard Drive: 250 MB available space 
      • Sound Card: Any

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Civilization Series goes Beyond Earth

I had to post about this. Sid Meier's Civilization, award-winning strategy game series is going across the stars to colonize new worlds. Last Monday, Firaxis announced the new upcoming strategy game called Civilization: Beyond Earth. This was around the PAX East 2014. Not sure what it was about. This is going to be awesome, they haven't made a game like this since Alpha Centauri. They release a video and it looks epic.

To the new kids out there, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri was strategy game release in 1999 that was similar Civilization except for it sci-fi background. Set in an alien world, players will explore a new world, develop their settlements, research new technology and field futuristic units. Instead of historical leaders like Napoleon or Genghis Khan, your leaders will be a diverse race of aliens. The concept is just like Civilization, to win the game you have to either conquer or reach the highest level of the science research tree. The game was success and it got an expansion introducing two new races.

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

So far they announcement trailer and a couple of screenshots. If you want a more in-depth story on Beyond Earth, PC gamer got the interview. Click here to read it.

Screenshot of Beyond Earth

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth is set to be released this fall, which is sooner than I expected. I hope more from this game. How far will mankind go? The choice is yours.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The horrors in the tunnels, Metro 2033

Steam had a discounted sale on the Metro series last month and bought it, it was a great bargain. I did play Metro 2033 years ago but I got stuck in one part of the game. Now, I got through (shoot where the blobs come from) finally. That and I was low on ammunition.

Missions on a writing pad
Metro 2033, a survival horror shooter set in post-apocalyptic world devastated by nuclear war. Its set in the Russian metro tunnels where humanity is forced to live in. 20 years have gone by and mankind is coping with their lives. Radiation has mutated creatures into nightmarish monsters and become a constant threat to human life.

Cramped space of a living space
The game manages to visualize what life is like in tunnels. People live off pork and mushrooms, not the funky kind. It seems you can grow mushrooms in caves. Did not know that. Homes are made from scrap metal and wood. No idea where all the wood comes from. The tunnels, where your character will be using often, are dark and ominous which set a good horror tonne to scare players.

Walking the tunnels
The weapons are original, makeshift weapons and new even to veteran shooters. There are pistols, magnums, rifles, and the awesome bastard gun (see the pic above). There is the gas powered rifles which silently shoots lethal metal pellets. Later in the game, your weapons can be equipped with additional attachments which increases the effective power for your weapon. For stealth missions, there is the throwing knifes to silently take down enemies. If all else fails, use your trusty knife to stab and slash your enemies.

Entering into the dark tunnels
The game is filled with untold horrors and mystery. Factions fighting over ideology of the past. If you want a thrilling horror game with a survivor theme, Metro 2033.

Friday, March 7, 2014

March Madness

Its the first week of March and its been tough. I'm fighting my laziness as I have to complete my project and the more I fight it, the more I want to forget by drowning myself in fantasy lore and video games. I find myself sleepless and tired in the end with coffee to keep me going. Ipoh coffee with brown sugar is nice and sweet. Ice blended mocha is great to keep the buzz going. And... in other news.

Thief, a stealth video game set in the victorian era, has released with good reception. I saw the game playthrough in YouTube , its a cool game with its dark themed tone and a rough voiced character leading the story. Oh, you play as a master thief. Those who played the original series will remember him. So far the game surprises new players but for some reason disappoints old faithfuls. Why is that?

Have come to the peak of the video game glory? Are we seeing less original games and more games becoming franchises? Are we clinging to our need to play only the best available games in the game market and forgetting some with great potential? Is it dividing the games not into genre but into grades? Only AAA games, and indie? Is the potential of creating new adventures into the virtual world ending? No, not really.

I read a web article about a game engine which literally can scale into an entire world. Imagine travelling with your avatar into virtual world across real scale continents. Epic potential for strategy and  rpg games. The article mentioned that someone used the game engine to create Middle Earth, the world of lord of the rings and the hobbit. Streching from the Shire, Gondor, Mordor and to the Eastern Lands. I believe the game engine is called Outterra or Outerra.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Busy month

Hello internet, its been a while. I am trying to stay updated with the current happenings in my life (gaming life). Its been a lax month. Steam keeps getting new games which i have no interest in. Although some of the early access looks awesome, there mostly in alpha (in development) and in beta (stable version in development). In short? Not so awesome. I bought Starbound despite being in beta it a lot to offer. There are dissapointments like Godus, you play as a god guiding his people to properity (in think). Cool idea but fall short on expectation. How do i know that? Internet reviews. Just google Godus review, there should be a lot of results. 

Hope to be able to post more often. I'm thinking of creating a schedule like every two or three days, or every tuesday and friday.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Lets begin another year of Gaming

It is now 2014, HAPPY NEW YEAR. Its going to an exciting year, tons of upcoming games going to be released this year. The Steam Holiday Sale is over and I bought too many games for me to play. I now officially poor with no money to buy new games for January. Although I did receive discount coupons for Crusader Kings 2 and another which I fail to remember.

So this year will be the year of the horse,.... got nothing to say about that.

One game to be mentioned is Ubisoft's Watch Dogs. Its similar with Grand Theft Auto where the player can explore the world and interact with it, but it can do more interactions; mobile phone interactions. What does that mean? Ok, imagine going around the town to and with your smartphone you can hack into other phones with ease. Not only that, you can hack into traffic light systems, you access mobile phone user's information and supposedly you access car's computer systems. This game is on watchlist and so is mine.