Saturday, January 3, 2009

Brunei Cyber Games III

Pump your guns, it's time to rumble. They are now bringing in the Third Generation consoles (And definitely we're refering to the PS3) and it is a very interesting choice of games. With Guitar Hero 3 out of the picture (boohoo T_T), we have some big hit titles to be set for the challenge.

You will find the registration desk at the Mall cineplex next to Westreet and ETA games, and of course Max and I already signed up for some Modern Warfare. (thought we'd put our names before anyone else but aiyah.. one guy beat us to it.

Registration is about $15 and if you're up to it there are some really tempting prizes. First Prize is an ETA games voucher for $300 (woot!), Second prize is another ETA games voucher for $100 (woot!) and Third prize will be sponsored by QQstore (woo...what?). Believe it or not, Ziggy and Max will divide and conquer for those prizes and we will definitely practice like crazy until the day of our destined battle (bwhahaha).

Readers! Let everyone know ROCK BAND is ON! And of course who wouldn't wanna miss PES 2009 on the PS3 (trust me, this one is preeety smooth).