Sunday, December 14, 2008


While Max goes at it in a game of online pool, I'm writing about our recently attained Playstation@Home. It just popped up in the Xmediabar above the PS-store all of a sudden so we got all excited to try it out and downloaded it immediately (after trying out the MGS4 demo of course ^^)

Max's HomeSpace, "Call MTV! My new crib is awesome!"

It took us the next morning just to get in Home due to a busy server but we're glad that we made it. After fixing Max's avatar (even trying to match his current look, heheeh), the first awesome thing we got to see is the HomeSpace which is one pad we would want to have for ourselves. Being at Home, however, is like being on a vacation in some hot pacific tourist resort. Outside the space we see boats lined up and palm trees everywhere (that reminds me we never tried out Sentosa Island. Too bad ^^)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Metal Gear sequel hinted in the equation

You all may have heard about it. Is Kojima trying to hint something BIG in this equation, or Konami is trying to hide the fact of an unescapable truth through a overused commercial strategy? You decide.

Let's break some points to speculate. First of all, it's green in a black background. Green can mean Xbox360 and I'm SURE I'LL NEVER WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT! Shifting the game franchise to the Xbox is like a stab in the back of PS3 gamers since FFXIII went multi-platform. Knowing Kojima, he would make full use of the bluray disc (the 400GB disc is tempting) and use his signature game direction to overflow the data. Xbox doesn't have that and the MGS series will forever stick to the heart of Playstation owners world wide.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

LBP Japan winner

LittleBigPlanet is now for samurais. I've been wondering about this costume for a long time. It was on the featured page on the Playstation Store next to the Chimaera and Motorstorm costume. Obviously, it'll be coming soon to our PS3 and hopefully it will be another freebie ^^

Now I'm wondering about the Asian winner. We finally have the American, European and the Japanese. Now what does Media Molecule have to offer next?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Agency

Here's another interesting find. What's so cool about the Agency is, how Max puts it, a spoof of the modern and classic Spy films. That's right, Alias and James Bond like that. The trailer is hilarious, it's got awesome action, and the coolest badasses I've ever seen.

And did I mention some beautiful artwork on the game?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Elika becomes Jade from Beyond Good & Evil

This one is a big surprise. Hardcore gamers may be attracted to the Altair costume, but the Jade costume does bring back some old memories. Admit it, Beyond Good & Evil is a work of art and an awesome game to boot. Thank you Ubisoft for reminding us the great games you have given us.

In case you are wondering if there is a sequel to BG&E, there will be one with an undecided release date. Let's hope it won't become vaporware.

What did I say? A work of art ^^